Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Like Matthew McCaughnahey’s character in Dazed and Confused, Zombieland: Double Tap hangs around the horror-comedy soiree long after its prime. Fourth-wall-smashing, on-screen zombie-apocalypse survival rules, rattled off by a cast of award winners who were not nearly as famous when the original came out in 2009, is an amusing nostalgia-scratch in the context of a trailer. At feature-length, this episodic, chatty-but-not-charming diversion staggers across the screen, vainly trying to recapture what little life it once had. Only the addition of bubble-headed mall creature Madison (Zooey Deutch) can distract from the nonsensical plot, in which wanderlust fractures our scrappy survivalist quartet. A movie exploring how mundane relationship problems can seep into rock-solid bonds forged by surviving the end times is a great premise for a comedy. But Double Tap is too focused on Elvis gags, monster trucks, and hippie bashing to realize that its once-cutting jabs now sound like dad jokes.