Today, the Kicking the Seat Podcast re-unites Earth's Mightiest Critics for a look at one of the year's most anticipated and controversial films, Captain Marvel! David Fowlie of Keeping it Reel, Emmanuel Noisette of Eman's Movie Reviews, and Don Shanahan of Every Movie Has a Lesson join Ian for an in-depth look at the character's problematic four-color origins; the online battleground surrounding the film's marketing and star Brie Larson's remarks to the press; and how Marvel's first female-driven comic-book blockbuster stacks up in the decade-long mega-franchise.
Warning: Spoilers and out-there assertions ahead!
Also, Ian reminds listeners that the 2019 F This Movie! Fest kicks off tomorrow at 10am CST. Cinephiles the world over are invited to join Patrick Bromley and his merry crew for the only Twitter-exclusive film festival, whose theme this year is "The Movies of 1986". Use the hashtag "#FThisMovieFest" to share laughs and insights throughout the day.
Lastly, the latest episode of 90 Under 90 is live right now! Ian and Jeremy and Dan Eden break down one of the weirdest, greatest documentaries of all time, The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. Subscribe and tune in for spot-on Billy Mitchell impressions, sequel speculation, and a pitch to re-cast the movie with actors from Christopher Guest movies!
Episode 387 is not qualified to talk about Captain Marvel!
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