Today, the Kicking the Seat Podcast and David Fowlie of Keeping it Reel look at a truly fantastic family fantasy film, I Kill Giants. Based on the Image Comics graphic novel, the movie tells the story of a little girl who creates an elaborate imaginary world that only she can protect--in order to shut out the real-life horrors of home and middle school.
The guys make a strong case for you to seek out this gem in its very limited theatrical release (it's also available On Demand), and compare it to the genre movies of their childhoods.
Also, Ian plugs about ninety different things, including his appearance on the 90 Under 90 Podcast; the Music Box Theatre's exclusive 70MM engagement of Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One; and several Chicago-area screenings of the twisted, must-see coming-of-age drama, Flower (with co-writer/director Max Winkler and star Zoey Deutch participating in Q&A's Friday and Saturday night!).
Speaking of which, Ian shares a brief conversation with Winkler at the end of the show, and directs you to a quick interview with Zoey Deutch in the Info Desk!
Lastly, apologies for the lateness of this jam-packed installment: a savage cold struck the Simmons household this week--which nearly prevented this episode from seeing the light of day!
Episode 304 believes in giants (and, um, flowers)!
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