The KtS Podcast is 100 episodes young this week! To celebrate, actor/writer/editor Aaron Christensen joins Ian for a legitimately classy chat about The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence!
Super-nice, mega-talented, and impossibly versatile, Aaron has contributed to HorrorHound Magazine; starred in one of Ian's favorite movies of 2012, Dead Weight; and edited Hidden Horror, the Rondo Award-winning must-have reference for fright-film junkies. He writes as "Dr. A.C." on the movie-review blog Horror 101, and is one of three people on Earth Ian felt comfortable engaging in a conversation about Tom Six's medically accurate mutilation trilogy.
This episode may not change anyone's mind about watching a Human Centipede flick, but we're dispelling myths and giving the series its due here--leaving personal taste as the only remaining barrier to entry.
Also, Ian gives a shout-out to all the wonderful folks who've made "Centipod" possible; invites listeners to win* a copy of Hidden Horror (signed by the good Doctor himself); and recommends Mark Krawczyk's The Spoiler Room Podcast while we take a much-needed vacation next week.
Yep, we've stitched together quite a show for our 100th installment. You'll want to be at the front of the line for this one!
As always, we invite you to follow, like, subscribe to, and share Kicking the Seat on Twitter, Facebook, and iTunes!
*Unlike our other contests, this one won't show up on the "Contests" page. You've gotta listen to win! I know, right? So unfair...