The KtS Podcast's Star Wars marathon jumps to light-speed a roundtable look at Episode IV: A New Hope! Ian, Gari, Bill, and Charlie revisited the landmark sci-fi adventure recently (actually, the "Special Edition" of it--thanks, George Lucas) and have quite a few things to say. Is the Original Trilogy that much different from the prequels? What gives the older films their longevity? And are droids people, too? Tune in as the gang (kinda, sorta, not really) answers these questions--and more!
Also, Ian shares some unfortunate news regarding Mimi Craven's appearance at Hollywood Palms this weekend; provides a home-stretch update on Aaron Christensen and John Pata's "Scare-a-Thons"; and advises everyone to check out the last couple days of the 51st Chicago International Film Festival.
Episode 119 re-awakened our collective enthusiasm for all things Star Wars, and we hope it does the same for you!
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*If you'd like to donate to either "Scare-a-Thon", feel free to contact Aaron and John directly at drach101@gmail.com andjohn.marcus.pata@gmail.com, respectively.