Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Kicking the Seat podcast, featuring a roundtable interview* with Adam Green, Joe Lynch, and Sarah Elbert of Fearcast's new horror sitcom, Holliston! Before this hour of lively banter gets under way, you'll be treated to the KtS origin story, some crow-eating thoughts on one of my interview subjects, and a primer on podcast preparedness by way of frequent apologies.
And stick around afterwards to learn about Kicking the Seat's first contest! I'm giving away something pretty frickin' sweet. But you'll have to listen until the very end to find out what it is and how to win!**
Just click the "Enclosure" link below to stream the podcast, or right-click it and select "Save Link As" to download the file to your computer (thus making it portable via iTunes or whatever format is acceptable to the alien sentries who'll discover this post three million years from now).
Whether you like or loathe the KtS podcast, please drop me a line via Comment Card and share your thoughts.
Lastly, I simply must give a shout-out to my podcasting heroes. They also get some love during the show, but we don't yet have the technology to embed hyperlinks into aural presentations (or do we...?). So, here's to the pioneers; each different, each amazing: Cory Udler and the Smut Elves, The Nerdist, Deadpit Radio, Marc Maron at WTF, and the man whose constant encouragement made taking the plunge easier (if no less scary), Lionel. I'm not fit to look at these guys' shoes, much less attempt to walk in them, but someday (bloody someday)...
*Special thanks to Mike Juvinall of Dark River Press for also participating in our mini-roundtable discussion.
**Let's be honest, you can also just scroll.