This week, the Kicking the Seat Podcast welcomes back HollywoodChicago.com's Pat “The Über Critic” McDonald for a look at two societal pressure-cookers masquerading as movies. First up is John Avildsen’s 1970 drama Joe, starring Peter Boyle and Dennis Patrick as frustrated, middle-aged, middle-class men waging a secret war on hippies. The second is Kathryn Bigelow’s Detroit, which is out now and centers on a flashpoint of that era’s brutal Civil Rights struggle.
This is a free-wheeling and wide-ranging conversation that covers everything from race and politics; to the definition of second-wave feminism; to the pitfalls of after-market DVD purchases. Also, Ian teases the podcast’s return to a relentless (some might say ridiculous) schedule.
Note: If you want to avoid spoilers for Joe (and newcomers absolutely should), fast forward at the 41:00 mark and resume the episode at 54:02.
Start drawing up those protest signs: Episode 246 has a lot to say!
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