This week, the Kicking the Seat Podcast reunites with a super-team of critics to discuss Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman! Joining Ian on the mic are David Fowlie of Keeping it Reel, Emmanuel Noisette of Eman's Movie Reviews, and Don Shanahan of Every Movie Has a Lesson (and the new YouTube series, Movie Classroom)!
One of the guys has some real problems with the film (guess who?), and this spoiler-filled intervention of an episode dives deep into what separates the latest chapter in the troubled DECU from its predecessors; what audiences may take from the experience of seeing the "first" leading-lady comic-book hero on the big screen; and whether or not The Rock is capable of establishing and carrying a movie franchise (sorry, there's some Baywatch crossover at the beginning of the chat).
Episode 227's invisible plane may be in the shop, but this conversation soars!
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